Olive Branch of Hope provides services to young adults, ages 18 and older with intellectual disabilities. Services are provided individually and in the community as appropriate to the participants' needs.
Services are provided in the home and community during the week for adults. Activities are adventurous in nature, and include community, outdoor, and creative art, where young adults can express themselves in compassionate ways while learning the life lesson.
Young adults may participate in all the activities. However, based on the medical needs and/or special needs, some participants may elect to participate in one or more of the activities as appropriate for their needs.
We Provide A Variety of Services
Outdoor Activities:
Social skills and teamwork are highlighted throughout the outdoor activities. Young adults participate in outdoor adventures. Activities include, but are not limited to, skills in gardening, tent pitching, outdoor cooking, hiking, nature walks, swimming, safe outdoor behaviors, etc. Come as an individual and leave as a team!
Olive Branch of Hope provides young adults and adults with effective & proactive strategies to successfully overcome obstacles in their lives and to experience success in home and community.
Animal Adventure: Young adults learn ways to solve social skills and safety problems by working with various animals. Participants have opportunities to work with animals of their choice while learning effective strategies of transferring the learned skills into other areas of the lives.
The Full Category of service includes three stages
Stage one: Entrance criteria ...which include the need assessment
Stage two A: Getting to know me ...using interest based materials; participants will be given skills to use in knowing themselves.
Stage two B: Developing positive social and problem solving skills...using real life social situations relevant to each participant. Then participants are trained (ongoingly) the effective and proactive strategies to use to minimize the obstacles.
Stage three: Generalization and maintenance, which is the participants' ability to generalize skills learned in their homes, and communities. This stage relies heavily on collaboration.